Branding, Photography, Social Media, web, & merch Design

This is an ongoing collection of the work I’ve done for my husband and I’s barbershop, where I am in charge of design and marketing. It’s been a great learning experience to expand my skills. Please enjoy and feel free to check us out!

Our Story starts in august of 2023
I and my husband, Nick Laskowski, opened Finch Barbershop in the heart of downtown Fort Langley, where Nick had already been cutting hair at a different barbershop for three years.

We managed to take over the same rental space, which needed a lot of work. I did the branding, while Nick did much of the interior design. We worked together to curate the products we carried, and our family helped us paint the endlessly high ceilings.
For the first year Nick and I both cut hair, until I was finally able to step back and we could hire someone to take my place behind the chair. Now I focus on design, and work behind the scenes, managing social media, designing merchandise, and overseeing marketing.
The name ‘Finch’ was inspired by Nick’s grandfather’s love for bird watching, an interest which rubbed off on Nick growing up, as well as both our love for our province’s natural beauty.
Although we are both only trained in mens grooming, Fort Langley has a wide demographic of both young and old, students and family, so the brand needed to be palatable to a wide audience.
Though I am not a photographer, it is an important skill that overlaps with a lot of my work. Since I was busy behind the chair, our friends captured our opening day, but since then I’ve used my skills to maintain visual consistency for our brand throughout our physical and digital media.

Social Media
Most barbershops flood their feed full of headshots that all start to look the same. The quantity probably isn’t going to be what attracts our clients to us, but creating relationships with our audience will.
Our Instagram and Facebook focus mostly on important updates, and minimize the amount of posts that feel like ads. That way we maximize the value of our content for our followers.
As a small local business, they want to know about us, not so much about what we’re selling.

We wanted to feel excited about wearing our merch, and we didn’t want our clients to feel like walking billboards.
My husband and I are both creative individuals, so we decided our shop’s merch should be more than just the barbershop’s logo plastered front and centre on a plain tee.
Our first merch drop was inspired by the brutalism design movement, and is both illustrated and designed by me, and printed locally in Langley, BC, on 100% heavyweight cotton T-shirts.
Our following merch drops will feature other styles of design, to keep things interesting and so eventually we will have a little something for everyone.

The end
Thanks for reading!